Dakshinavarti Shankh (Valamburi Sangu) - TMPOOJA.COM


Dakshinavarti Shankh  is a very rare kind of shankh (conch shell)  that has opening on the right side or have clockwise rotation when viewed from front.   Dakshinavarti Shankhas  are very very rare and  auspicious.   These type of  Shankh is also known as Shri Lakshmi Shankh or Valampuri Shankh.   The true Dakshinavarti Shankha has the three or more horizontal lines (ridges) at the inside center opening. The Valampuri is the favourite of Goddess Lakshmi and it is considered very auspicious to keep this Shankha in pooja for all round prosperity.

Dakshinavarti Shankh is the symbol of Goddess Maa Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth. Goddess Lakshmi resides in this shankh. This shankh is thus the symbol of fortune and wealth. Keeping this shankha or placing it at home, office, mandir, temple, cash box locker gives good fortunes, money, good luck and prosperity. The exceptional power of this shankha removes economic problems and brings happiness and peace. The Lakshmi Conch is said to bring all manner of blessing, but particularly material wealth, upon the owner. Ritual use may include bathing deities, drinking from the conch, or the use of mantras oriented to goddess Lakshmi. It is a wonderful object for Vastu purpose giving high positive energy. This shankh is kept in puja and is not blown.

Identifying a True Valampuri

There are many features which distinguish the correct species Turbinella Pyrum from the Lightning Whelk. By paying attention to these differences, a careful observer can easily identify whether a shell is a true Valampuri Sangu or a fake.

Columellar plicae: T. Pyrum has 3 to 7 ridges along the inner column at the opening of the shell. The Whelk does not have these ridges and has a smooth inner column.
Knobs: The Whelk has many knobs, or raised bumps, along the spiral at the crown of the shell. By contrast, T. Pyrum has smooth spirals.
Crooked siphonal canal: The long end of the Whelk shell will usually (but not always) be slightly crooked. By contrast the long end of T. Pyrum tends to be fairly straight.
You can even see these differences illustrated in the pictures above. Of course, keep in mind that if it is difficult to tell, it is always better to use a dextral Sangu of the correct species than a sinistral Lightning Whelk.

- Brings prosperity and abundance

- No shortage of food, clothes and money.

- Brings happiness, peace and prosperity.

- Enlightens students with knowledge and memory.

- Keep in religious places in house, brings Goddess Saraswati and Goddess Lakshmi in house.

- Any black magic, malefic or evil effect can be removed just by sprinkling Ganges Water from it.

- Remove ill effects of Balhatya (Child killing), Brahmhatya (Priest killing), Gohatya (Cow killing) in previous births.

                                               Buy Original and Pure Valampuri shankh


