Benefits obtained from using Brass utensils

In the earlier times, Brass utensils were used for cooking.These metals/alloys attract as well as transmit Chaitanya (Divine consciousness). Such spiritual benefits are not obtained from the use of prevalent utensils made of stainless steel or aluminium.

For cooking utensils, clay and metals such as copper and alloys such as brass are the best. They generate a Divine sound that helps purify the environment and the premises.

Brass enhances Raja component and hence, cooking food in brass utensils is beneficial for health. Upon contact with the flow of Raja-predominant waves in brass, the nutrient juice containing voids in the food become active to release the nutrients. This Raja-predominant process is transferred to the body through the medium of food, and makes the voids in the body sensitive to imbibe the subtle-gas in the food. Thus, the process of digestion is simplified and made easy. Therefore, in the earlier times, utensils made of  brass were used to more in the kitchen as well as in the implements used in puja (Ritualistic worship).


Brass : Brass leads in emission of subtle Tej (Absolute Fire Principle)-enhancing sound that has inherent gas. The food charged with this subtle-sound is conducive for awakening of the Panchapran in the body.

Benefits of Drinking Water in Brass Vessels

It is believed that drinking water stored in brass vessels is safe if you take certain precautions. The zinc and copper present in the brass boost immunity and protect you against illness.

Research shows that water containing bacteria from water-borne disease E. Coli, stored in brass vessels showed after 48hrs that the levels of the E.coli was negligible.

The other benefits of drinking water stored in brass vessels are as the copper in the vessels

It prevents water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery and jaundice.
The most amazing thing about copper is that it is required for cell formation to aiding in the absorption of iron. It is also an essential mineral for the functioning of the body. It regulates levels of heme and the flow of blood in the vessels.
Now water stored in brass vessels can also be infected by numerous germs and impurities.

How to ensure safety of water you are drinking

Boil or filter water before storing it in brass vessels
Clean your brass vessels regularly to prevent dirt and germ build up
To prevent water contamination keep the vessel closed at all times
Use a ladle to take the required amount of water from the vessel
There is no worry of water stored in brass vessels having excess amounts of copper enter the body as the amount in 10lts of stored water is lesser than the average daily requirement.

There may be people who will tell you that drinking this water enhances the complexion of the unborn baby. There is no proof in this account to support the belief. The complexion of your child is decided purely basis your partner’s and your genes.

                               Buy Quality & Elegant Brass Vessels for Pooja Use


